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Pfand Meister

Pfand Meister
  • 类型:美食佳饮
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Joseph Johnson
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-24 15:15:56
  • 标签: 娱乐 美食佳饮
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Do you sell drinks at events where some of the drinks require a deposit (Pfand) to be paid? Calculating prices, charging deposits and accepting returns can quickly become complicated, especially when there's a queue of thirsty customers waiting to buy more drinks.

Pfand Meister is the app for you. It has all of the drinks and deposit costs already defined, so all you need to do is tap the drinks being purchased and what the customer is returning and all of the calculations are done for you.

Features include:

* Configurable drinks (unlimited)

* Configurable deposit (Pfand) prices for Krugs (mugs) and bottles

* Accepts the number of Krugs and bottles being returned

* Accepts the cash paid in and displays the change to be given

Prost and thanks to Jürgen and Severine for the inspiration!

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